MRIFor questions about the Medical Venture/Total Support Business

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■Privacy policy
“Medical Innvation Support Office” (“this Business” hereafter) is sponsored by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan.The operation and management of this Business is entrusted to Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.(“MRI”), and this website is run at hosting service provided by Innovation X Solutions.Under the responsibility of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

In compliance with Act on the Protection of Personal Information, MRI need your consent to use your personal data for the operational management of this business.

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If you are not Japanese resident, your data will be transferred to Japan before processing.

In the scope of this Business, all support activities, including the advices from experts, are based on the information deemed to be reliable at the time of consultation. While we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the accuracy, reliability, or adequacy of the information with respect to this business. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of any information provided by this business.

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Name Yamada Hanako
Address of Company e.g. Naka-ku,Yokohama-shi,Kanagawa-ken
Block number e.g. 1-2-3, Nagatacho
Department name e.g. Sales department
Title e.g. Director

Half-size characters (e.g., user@***.jp) ※There have been many mistakes in entering the e-mail address. Please be careful.
Telephone number Half-size digit (e.g. 01-2345-6789)
1. Type of business [Organizations] Companies (venture companies)
[Organizations] Companies (venture capital firms)
[Organizations] Companies (excluding venture companies and venture capital firms)
[Organizations] Medical institutions (including university hospitals)
[Organizations] Universities/research institutions (excluding university hospitals)
[Organizations] Other
[Individuals] Entrepreneurs (including before company establishment)
[Individuals] Other
※Select from [Organizations] for questions as an organization, such as companies, medical institutions, and universities, or select from [Individuals] for questions as an individual.
2.About your question Consultation with the Medical Venture/Total Support Office
Questions about the portal site (MEDISO)
Other questions
3.If you selected "Consultation with the Medical Venture/Total Support Office" in question 2, select the product for the consultation from the following. Medicines
Medical devices (including in vitro diagnostics)
Programmable medical devices
Regenerative medicine products
If you selected "Questions about the portal site" or "Other questions," select "Unselected.”
4.Please enter the details of your question.
5.The Medical Venture/Total Support Office and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare provide useful information related to the systems, medicines, medical devices, and regenerative medicine products. Please tell us whether you wish to receive informational e-mails. I wish to receive informational e-mails
I do not wish to receive informational e-mails
6.How did you find us? Search Engine
SNS(e.g. Facebook)
7.If you select "Other" in Q6, please tell us how you find us.
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【Questions about consultations】
Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.,
Medical Venture/Total Support Service Secretariat